Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde Market Poised for Growth through 2026

2023-04-05 06:22:49 By : Ms. Cony Wang
Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde – A Comprehensive Guide

Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde is an important chemical compound that has found wide applications in the construction industry as a concrete admixture. This compound is a type of superplasticizer that is used to improve the fluidity and workability of concrete, making it easier to pour and shape.
The Global Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde

In this blog, we will explore the properties, applications, and market trends of Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde and provide insights into its growing importance in the construction industry.

Properties of Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde

Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde is a high-range water-reducing agent that is used as a concrete admixture to improve its workability and strength. It is a yellow to brown colored powder that is soluble in water.

The compound contains naphthalene, which is a hydrophobic organic molecule that helps to reduce the surface tension of water and allows for better mixing of the concrete ingredients. The sulphonate group in the compound provides a negatively charged surface that helps to repel the cement particles and prevent their aggregation.

Applications of Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde

Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde is primarily used as a superplasticizer in the construction industry. It is added to concrete mixtures to improve their rheological properties and make them more fluid and workable.

The compound helps to reduce the amount of water required for mixing the concrete, which leads to a higher strength and durability of the final product. It also improves the setting time of the concrete, making it faster and more efficient to work with.

Other applications of Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde include its use as a dispersant in the production of ceramic and porcelain tiles. It is also used as a dye intermediate, and in the production of synthetic resins and plastics.

Market Trends for Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde

The global Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde market is expected to grow significantly over the next few years. According to a report by market research firm QY Research, the market size for this compound is expected to reach USD 716.5 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2022 to 2026.

The growth in the market can be attributed to the increasing demand for high-quality and durable construction materials, especially in emerging economies. The use of Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde as a superplasticizer is expected to rise as construction projects become more complex and require better workability and strength.


Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde is an important compound that has found widespread applications in the construction industry as a concrete admixture. It improves the fluidity and workability of concrete, making it easier to pour and shape. The market for this compound is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand for durable and high-quality construction materials.

As the construction industry continues to evolve, the demand for new and innovative concrete additives like Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde is expected to rise. This compound has already proven its effectiveness in improving the strength and workability of concrete, and is poised to become an increasingly important material in the years to come.